
【9th.May】Chip-based approaches for diagnosis and therapeutics
日期:2018-05-09 阅读:578

题目:Chip-based approaches for diagnosis and therapeutics(基于芯片技术的诊治新方法研究)
时间:5月9日 (周三)上午10:00
地点: 化学楼A五楼528演讲厅
邀请人:任吉存 教授


Microfluidics represent an appealing platform for biochemical assays and screening. We demonstrate that microfluidics can dramatically improve the efficiency of these assays and screens. Driven by miniaturization and surface chemistry, microscale-chips allow the assays of clinically important biomarkers such as proteins, nucleic acids and cells, with improved throughput, sensitivity and stability. Combined with nanoparticles and nanomaterials, microfluidics show great promise in developing novel assays and realizing point-of-care testing. These platforms are also extraordinarily useful for screening of therapeutics, e.g., nanocarriers for introducing siRNA, CRISPR/Cas, and so forth. 


Selected references:
1. Xie YZY, Liu Yong, Yang JC, Liu Yuan, Hu FP, Zhu K, Jiang XY, Angew Chem Int Ed, 130, 4022-4026. (2018).
2. Chen YP, Yin BF, Dong ML, Xianyu YL, Jiang, XY, Anal Chem, 90(2), 1234-1240. (2018).
3. Wang P, Zhang LM, Zheng WF, Cong LM, Guo ZR, Xie YZY, Wang L, Tang RB, Feng Q, Hamada Y, Gonda K, Hu ZJ, Wu XC, Jiang XY, Angew Chem Int Ed, 57, 1491-1496. (2018).
4. Yang MZ, Zhang W, Yang JC, Hu BF, Cao FJ, Zheng WS, Chen YP, Jiang XY, Science Advances, 3(12), eaao4862. (2017).
5. Lei YF, Tang LX, Xie YZY, Xianyu YL, Zhang LM, Wang P, Hamada Y, Jiang K, Zheng WF, Jiang XY, Nature Commun, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15130. (2017).
6. Chen YP, Xianyu YL, Jiang XY, Accounts Chem Res, 50, 310-319. (2017).

蒋兴宇博士:国家纳米科学中心研究员、博士生导师、中国科学院研究生院教授。蒋兴宇在美国芝加哥大学取得了化学学士学位(1999年),在哈佛大学取得了化学博士学位(2004年), 并在哈佛大学进行了博士后研究(2004~2005年)。在哈佛期间师从美国科学院/工程院院士George Whitesides教授。获得国家自然科学基金委员会“国家杰出青年基金”、中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、亚洲化学联合会杰出青年化学家奖、“中国化学会-威立出版社青年化学论文奖”、人类前沿科学项目“青年科学奖”、科技部 “973/863”、中科院“百人计划”等奖励与资助。研究工作涉及纳米材料在生物医学中的应用。发表论文超过200篇,专利超过100项。

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